Wound healing of a dressage pony
Mrs. Lydecken is owner of a pony called Angel. Earlier this year, on 20.01.2020, an accident happened in Angel’s stable and she was found with her leg stuck between the door in her box early in the morning. After freeing her leg, a large, horrific wound was revealed. No one believed she would be able to get well again.
Treatment and methodology:
The leg was immediately operated and a week later additional proceedings were made at the Viik University Animal Hospital in Finland. At first the leg was put in bandages and kept in them for one week. Then the bandages were changed every three days. After 2 weeks all the bandages were removed. From that time on Mrs. Lydecken started to apply the BIOPTRON hyperlight therapy on the pony’s leg twice a day for 10 minutes during 1 month. Afterwards the treatment time was reduced to once per day for 10 minutes during 3 months period. Up to today, Angel is still treated every three days for 10 minutes. MS. RAIJA LYDECKEN, 2020