Revolution in Optics
Hi-Tech, Swiss-Engineered, Premium Quality Quantum Hyperlight Optics®
Based on Fullerene C60
Any light passing through the THE® Tesla Glasses is transformed into a uniquely structured called:
Hyper-harmonized light format

Dr. Howard Moskowitz
“I got introduced to THE® – Tesla Hyperlight Eyewear, a new kind of glasses that incorporates fullerene, C60. Since hyperpolarized light resonates with microtubules and other biomolecules it affects our mindsets. Proving that by wearing THE® we feel and think better… we could change the world around us, even avoid the wars!”
Fullerene C60, a quantum-mechanical light transformer
THE® Glasses provide active hyperlight therapy on a quantum level to protect, revitalize and regulate biostructures and physiological processes throughout the body:
See more
Think faster
Feel better
Perform at your best
THE® Tesla Glasses protect against harmful indoor radiation from artificial light sources that we are exposed around the clock
(LED, neon, electronic devices, etc.)
As well as sunlight’s harmful radiation
The symmetry and dynamics of Fullerene C60 correspond to those of healthy biostructures. With its quantum properties (including uniquely rotation-twist of 18 billion times per second), the C60 transmits information to bio-structures at the quantum level. This Hyper-harmonized light is efficiently integrated with biostructures through Resonance Principles. Hyper-harmonized light can restore disturbed biostructures, bringing them back to a healthy, natural state.

Quantum Hyperlight is created by passing light through the BIOPTRON Hyperlight Optics® lens, which has positive effects for both vision and brain function. This contributes to improvements in one’s general physical and mental state, thereby optimising bodily functions.
• Enhanced concentration, attention and memory
• Faster and better decisions
• Optimal mental performance during periods of intense mental overload
• Increased productivity and efficiency
THE® Tesla Glasses provide a sharper image (even in poor light conditions) and contribute to better and faster decision-making, thus making us more efficient, successful and more relaxed in everyday professional and leisure activities.
• Reduce light scattering inside the eye
• Improve visual acuity
• Increase contrast sensitivity and colour intensity, and reduce reflection
• Eliminate fatigue and discomfort in the eyes
• Prevent the blinding effects of sudden bright light

THE® Tesla Glasses provide a sharper image (even in poor light conditions) and contribute to better and faster decision-making, thus making us more efficient, successful and more relaxed in everyday professional and leisure activities.
• Reduce light scattering inside the eye
• Improve visual acuity
• Increase contrast sensitivity and colour intensity, and reduce reflection
• Eliminate fatigue and discomfort in the eyes
• Prevent the blinding effects of sudden bright light

Maintaining Good Eyesight is the Key to Maintaining
Mental and Physical Health
THE® Glasses are Inspired by the Nobel Prize-Winning
Discovery of the Fullerene C60 Molecule
Our eyes do not have natural, physiological protection against the dangerous radiation of high-energy indoor and outdoor artificial illumination or harmful sunlight radiation.
This harmful light irreversibly damages our eyes, causing cataract formation and degeneration of the macula. Even more, such light adversely affects brain functions and our general health.
THE® Glasses represent a unique solution to improve both vision and brain functions because they block harmful radiation and simultaneously convert it to an optimum range of quantum structured hyperlight that reflects an ideal symmetry identical to that of biological structures. THE® Glasses will help you become more vital, healthier and more successful.


Hyper-Harmonized Light
Hyper-harmonized light (hyper-structured light) has the same energy structure as 85% of the healthy biomolecules in the human body. Due to various factors (natural ageing process, environmental pollution, stress, etc.), the healthy state of biomolecules becomes disturbed, causing illnesses and premature aging.
Hyper-harmonized light (hyper-structured light), with its unique format, maintains and restores the energy in disturbed biomolecules (structured body matter), bringing them into the same ideal format - in a natural healthy state.
According to the Resonance principles of biomimicry, when two entities/resonators (as Hyper-harmonized light and healthy biomolecules) possess the same type of symmetry, Hyper-harmonized light, because it is ideally structured, prevails and imposes its energy and information properties onto the disturbed biomolecules. This brings them into homeostasis and a natural healthy state.
Influence of Light on the Brain
Light regulates balance levels of various hormones in the brain, a process known as the circadian rhythm. The Nobel Prize in Medicine for 2017 was awarded to scientists Hall, Rosbash and Young for this discovery.

THE® Tesla Glasses enable users to regenerate biomolecules and biostructures in a unique way to maintain optimum bioprocesses in the eyes and brain. The result is psychophysical balance: See more, think faster, feel better, perform at your best. All of this makes the choice of these glasses necessary, reasonable, and smart for everyone.

Hyper-Harmonized Light Reflects the Universal Law of Harmony & Beauty (Golden Ratio)
The entire universe, in one way or the another, is arranged based on geometric laws, from macro to microcosms. This is true even for biomolecules in our body. The most prominent of these is the Golden Ratio.
Leonardo da Vinci comprehended and deliberately used these in his work, the Golden Ratio principles. These principles obey the universal law of harmony and beauty to create unsurpassed masterpieces of technology and art.
Hyperharmonized (hyper-structured) light conforms and meets these unique principles, ideally interacting with biostructures through Resonant principles, unlike any other light. The resonant transmission of hyperharmonized light (quantum energy and information) maintains biomolecules, regenerating the whole human body.

lina Berman
Style and Image consultant, 35 years old.
“Hi! My name is Alina and this summer I had the chance to wear a pair of the wonderful Tesla glasses. I took them everywhere with me: to the seaside, in the bright sun, in the desert, on top of skyscrapers, while binge watching my favourite TV series. After a couple of weeks of wearing them on a daily basis, I stopped using eye drops. My eyes did no longer get dry. Driving is almost a new experience every day, more relaxed, despite the heavy traffic. The honey-light filtered through the lens makes me feel more at ease, it is somehow soothing. I even used them as an Instagram filter :), taking pictures through their lens. They look very cool.”

When and Where - Who Will Benefit from THE® Glasses? Everyone!
You: Students, pupils, policemen, professors, pilots, soldiers, drivers (professional and amateur), athletes, politicians, parliamentarians, and others. All of us who are exposed on a daily basis to dangerous artificial indoor lighting (house, work, school, concerts, shopping centres, etc.) as well as radiation from sunlight.